English 2

Flores Kastanis , Katherine , Urquijo Flores Paula ISBN: 9786077442622 Editorial: Grupo Editorial Patria
Detalles del libro
No. de páginas118
Medidas270 x 210 x 8mm

By the end of English I, the student will be able to communicate in English about past events, activities, and experiences using grammatical structures. Serie¿s goal: Students are expected to reach a B1 level according to the Common European Framework (CEF), at the end of the English program. This means, students must be able to do what is described for levels A1, A2, and B1. This is the goal of the English program at DGETI at the end of the five courses. It is expected that at the end of this second course, students can achieve skills at a basic A1 level and begin with some competencies at an A2 level according to the CEF described as follows: "Description of A1 level. Can undertand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. Description of A2 level. Can understand common phrases and expressions related to expertise areas that are especially relevant to the student. Can communicate when performing simple routine tasks that only require simple and direct information exchanges about past matters that are familiar to the student. Can describe, in a simple form, aspects about actions performed by others. Can make polite requests." The structure of English Two is related to two central topics: Our past (personal and related to our family)" and "Our experiences (group and individual)". Students will learn and apply basic grammatical structures (Past tense-verb to be, simple past, used to, regular and irregular verbs, comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives, past continuos, object pronouns, modal auxiliary could (polite requests, possibility) and vocabulary (time expressions used in the past, occupations, customs and hobbies, school experiences (kinder garden, elementary school, junior high, high school), and Descriptive adjectives to perform language functions (ask for and give information about past events, about place and date of birth. Aks for and give information about historical figures. Give information about someone¿s past activities. Share experiences about attendance to public places. Ask for and give information about simultaneous actions in the past. Ask for and give information about changes that have occurred in our family life, as well as events occurred at a local, national, and worldwide contexts and make polite requests." During the five courses, the student participates in activities in which procedural contents identified as language functions and reading strategies are included. These are necessary to develop reading, understanding, writing, speaking and interactive oral skills in English. Key features: The three steps of DGETI programs: Opening activities, Development and End of Unit evaluation, Two units and 9 lessons. Clear grammar presentations and activities. Fun activities such as flash cards, words search and lyrics. Vocabulary building sections. Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Interactive oral activities. Cultural notes. Information Technologies to aid English proficiency. www.Sali.org.mx offers audios, videos, vocabulary and more activities.

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